APA Style
Bertholomae, David (dan Anthony Petrosky). (1987).
Ways of Reading an Antropology for Writers (-).
New York:
New York.: St. Martins Press,.
Chicago Style
Bertholomae, David (dan Anthony Petrosky).
Ways of Reading an Antropology for Writers.
New York:
New York.: St. Martins Press,,
Pend. BHS.Inggris.
MLA Style
Bertholomae, David (dan Anthony Petrosky).
Ways of Reading an Antropology for Writers.
New York:
New York.: St. Martins Press,,
Pend. BHS.Inggris.
Turabian Style
Bertholomae, David (dan Anthony Petrosky).
Ways of Reading an Antropology for Writers.
New York:
New York.: St. Martins Press,,
Pend. BHS.Inggris.